VDT IV – Valve Digital Transport is a radically different approach to a modern digital source. Essentially, it follows the same approach of a CD based digital transport just comes without a CD pick up mechanim but with a mini computer that accesses a media storage drive instead. In order to achieve maximum analogue, musical & organic sound character unheard of digital source, VDT employs minimum quantity of transistors and maximum quantity of valves. Even the CPU (hardware and OS)- playback control part is reduced to an absolute minimum. This is done on purpose in order to have maximum musicality, highest possible quality of power supplies and to minimise all possible time domain distortions within the digital domain. Everything is designed to be UPnP & DLNA ready- just connect & discover the device on your network & control the playback of your music media via touch screen or another device. Last but not least, all our digital sources are designed to be ideal partners to our DAC products, maximising their musicality and analogue character.