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High End Performance Technology

We are convinced that only an elegantly engineered circuit performs at its best if it is made of finest materials and components and vice versa. It is just like cooking a delicious dish: a special recipe made with the finest ingredients and with lot of experimentation & research by SW1X Audio Design®. Our products are some of the most unique high end audio equipment available today. Combined with the finest components, materials and power supplies, we employ the most innovative circuits on the market. Every material and component has its own distinct sound character. Understanding how materials & components and their interactive behaviour affect the sound is an essential aspect of the overall knowledge necessary to create musical sounding audio products.

matching amplifiers for speakers power amplifiers

Power Delivery : Relationship between Speakers and Power Amplifiers

What is the ideal Power Amplifier for your Speakers?   When it comes to power…
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SW1X Audio Design Performance System

SW1X Audio Design® Performance System   SW1X Audio Design Performance System is a guideline and…
DAC Digital to Analogue Converter

DACs made by SW1X: The speciality of making great sounding designs

SW1X Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC) There are multiple factors, which help to explain why…
High Performance Audio High End Amplifier

High Performance Audio: a definition by SW1X Audio Design™

What defines High Performance Audio?   High Performance Audio refers to the High End Performance…
SW1X DAC X Tube Output Stage SW1X Audio Design Philosophy

SW1X Audio Design Philosophy

Form follows Function- The Essence of a Functional Design With a few exceptions most products…
Remote Streaming Vs Local Playback

Remote streaming vs Local playback and why it matters

Remote streaming vs Local playback One of the reasons as why vinyl (local) playback can…

Why re-clocking of SW1X DACs is a bad idea?

There is an ever  growing number of re-clocking devices on the market. Almost every streamer…
Signal Transformers vs Signal Capacitors

Signal Output Transformers vs Signal Capacitors

Inductive coupling via signal OPTs is the least compromised way to de-couple a gain stage-…
SW1X Audio Design Choice in HiFi System

Design Choice: Performance vs Compatiblity

All our Phono pre-amps are designed to have an MM cart input type. There is…

SW1X Harmonic Matching Principle

A bit of Harmony & Synergy in Audio Design, please It is well known that…
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