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Club Rules
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Club Rules

SW1X Admin
Posts: 25
Topic starter
Joined: 9 years ago

Welcome to SW1X Audio Club!

To ensure that our community remains a welcoming and productive space for everyone, we ask that you follow these rules and guidelines when participating in the forum. Please take a moment to read through them before posting.

1. Be Respectful and Courteous

  • Treat all members with respect and courtesy.
  • Do not engage in personal attacks, harassment, or discrimination of any kind.
  • Respect differing opinions and engage in constructive dialogue.

2. Stay On Topic

  • Ensure your posts are relevant to the forum category and the specific discussion thread.
  • Avoid derailing conversations with off-topic posts.

3. No Spam or Self-Promotion

  • Do not post spam, advertisements, or self-promotional content.
  • If you have a product, service, or content you think might benefit the community, seek permission from the moderators before posting.

4. Use Appropriate Language

  • Avoid using offensive, vulgar, or inappropriate language.
  • Remember that this is a community for people of all ages and backgrounds.

5. No Illegal Activities

  • Do not engage in or promote illegal activities.

6. Respect Privacy

  • Do not share personal information (yours or others') publicly on the forum.
  • Respect the privacy of other members and do not solicit personal information.

7. Report Issues

  • If you see a post or member violating these guidelines, report it to the moderators immediately.
  • Use the report function ⚠️ or contact a moderator directly to address any issues.

8. No Duplicate Posts

  • Check if a topic has already been discussed before starting a new thread.
  • Avoid posting the same content in multiple categories or threads.

9. Follow Moderator Instructions

  • Moderators are here to help maintain order and ensure a positive experience for everyone.
  • Follow their instructions and respect their decisions.

10. Have Fun and Be Supportive

  • Remember that we are here to learn from each other and enjoy the community.
  • Support your fellow members and contribute to a positive environment.

Consequences for Violations

Violating these rules may result in warnings, temporary bans, or permanent removal from the forum, depending on the severity of the offense. The moderators and administrators reserve the right to take action as they see fit to maintain the integrity of the community.

Thank you for taking the time to read these guidelines. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to your contributions!

Best regards,
The SW1X Audio Club Team

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