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High End Performance Technology

We are convinced that only an elegantly engineered circuit performs at its best if it is made of finest materials and components and vice versa. It is just like cooking a delicious dish: a special recipe made with the finest ingredients and with lot of experimentation & research by SW1X Audio Design®. Our products are some of the most unique high end audio equipment available today. Combined with the finest components, materials and power supplies, we employ the most innovative circuits on the market. Every material and component has its own distinct sound character. Understanding how materials & components and their interactive behaviour affect the sound is an essential aspect of the overall knowledge necessary to create musical sounding audio products.

Audio Design Literature

Valve Audio Design Literature

Valve Audio Design Literature Some books on the older but still relevant technology can be…

Rechargable Batteries: Advantages and Disadvantages

Rechargable Batteries: Advantages and Disadvantages   Original article in Russian By AML   Поскольку в…
MTR 963 Monitor Speaker field coil speakers design

Introduction to Field Coil Speakers

Field Coil Speakers The history of speakers commenced in 1874, when the German engineer Ernst…
Anatoly Markovic Likhnitsky

Articles of AML – A. M. Likhnitsky

Anatoly Markovic Likhnitsky This page is dedicated to the writings of Anatoly Markovic Likhnitsky (1936-2013)…
Hiroyasu Kondo Audio Note

Writings of Hiroyasu Kondo

MY THOUGHTS ON HI-FI by Hiroyasu Kondo, Audio Note Co., Ltd., Tokyo Translations by Hiro…
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