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SW1X Audio Design™ DAC II Balanced Performance Level 2/3

D to A Converter


The Balanced version is a non compromise tube output stage DAC II and a smaller brother to the DAC III Balanced.

The number of PCM56 R2R DACs is doubled to 4 pieces (2x per channel), whereas the STD & SPX versions employ 2 x PCM56 (1x per channel) .

Similar to the DAC III Balanced, DAC II Balanced comes equipped with a EL82/EL84 power tube output stage. The step up in transparency over the STD & SPX versions is provided by a signal output transformer (OPT) de-coupled power tube output stage driven by the active I/V conversion stage for an even more dynamic bite.

Also available in Balanced Special version with 6V6 tube output stage similar to the DAC IV.

SW1X DAC II Balanced True NOS R2R Design

SW1X Audio Design™ DAC II Balanced Features:

  • Pure & Elegant (Non oversampling – zero digital domain filtering) true NOS R2R Design
  • Digital side is based on 4 x PCM56 (2x per channel) R2R DACs
  • Balanced (& Single Ended) Signal Output Transformer de-coupled Valve Output Stage Topology
  • EL84 Power Output Tubes, Zero NFB, Class A, Valve Output Stage
  • Active I/V conversion via a special transistor (with less than 10 Ohm input impedance)
  • Discrete Transistor, Shunt Voltage Regulated Low Voltage Power Supplies
  • 5U4GYB/5R4GYB Directly Heated Valve rectified CLC (choke filtered) B+ Power Supply


Specially Selected and Harmonically Matched Component & Material Quality

  • Specially treated SW1X Audio Design 80% Nickel Mumetal Core Intefrace Transformer
  • SW1X Audio DesignCopper wound M6 EI core Signal Output Transformers
  • M6 grain orient EI core Mains Transformers & Chokes
  • Internally wired exclusively with our SW1X Magnum, Genesis and Opus conductors of various geometry (single strand or Litz)
  • AN Copper Foil in Oil interstage signal de-coupling Capacitors
  • AB 2W non-magnetic Carbon film Resistors in selected places


Tube Compliment:  2 x EL82 or EL82, 1 x 5R4GYB





Note: Due to SW1X Audio Design’s ongoing research and development process, specifications are subject to change without notice.


DAC II Balanced USB



Dimensions: Height (mm) 150 x Width (mm) 450 x Depth (mm) 410

Weight (kg): 17

Max Power Consumption (W): 23

Output Noise, Unweighted (mVrms): < 0.5

Output Impedance (Ohms): <100


Digital Transport Product Overview

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SW1X DAC II Balanced

Digital to Analogue Converter


The Balanced version is a non compromise tube output stage DAC II and a smaller brother to the DAC III Balanced. The number of PCM56 R2R DACs is doubled to 4 pieces (2x per channel), whereas the STD & SPX versions employ 2 x PCM56 (1x per channel) .

Similar to the DAC III Balanced, DAC II Balanced comes equipped with a EL82/EL84 power tube output stage. The step up in transparency over the STD & SPX versions is provided by a signal output transformer (OPT) de-coupled power tube output stage driven by the active I/V conversion stage for an even more dynamic bite.

Also available in Balanced Special version with 6V6 tube output stage similar to the DAC IV.

SW1X DAC II Balanced True NOS r2r design

SW1X DAC II Balanced

Performance Level 2/3
Digital to Analogue Converter

The Balanced version is a non compromise tube output stage DAC II and a smaller brother to the DAC III Balanced. The number of PCM56 R2R DACs is doubled to 4 pieces (2x per channel), whereas the STD & SPX versions employ 2 x PCM56 (1x per channel) .

Similar to the DAC III Balanced, DAC II Balanced comes equipped with a EL82/EL84 power tube output stage. The step up in transparency over the STD & SPX versions is provided by a signal output transformer (OPT) de-coupled power tube output stage driven by the active I/V conversion stage for an even more dynamic bite.

Also available in Balanced Special version with 6V6 tube output stage similar to the DAC IV.

SW1X DAC II Balanced True NOS R2R Design
SW1X DAC II Balanced True NOS r2r design
SW1X DAC II Balanced True NOS R2R Design
SW1X DAC II Balanced True NOS r2r design
SW1X DAC II Balanced True NOS R2R Design

SW1X Audio Design™ DAC II Balanced Features:

Specially Selected and Harmonically Matched Component & Material Quality

  • Specially treated SW1X Audio Design 80% Nickel Mumetal Core Intefrace Transformer
  • SW1X Audio DesignCopper wound M6 EI core Signal Output Transformers
  • M6 grain orient EI core Mains Transformers & Chokes
  • Internally wired exclusively with our SW1X Magnum, Genesis and Opus conductors of various geometry (single strand or Litz)
  • AN Copper Foil in Oil interstage signal de-coupling Capacitors
  • AB 2W non-magnetic Carbon film Resistors in selected places

Specially Selected and Harmonically Matched Component & Material Quality

  • Specially treated SW1X Audio Design 80% Nickel Mumetal Core Intefrace Transformer
  • SW1X Audio DesignCopper wound M6 EI core Signal Output Transformers
  • M6 grain orient EI core Mains Transformers & Chokes
  • Internally wired exclusively with our SW1X Magnum, Genesis and Opus conductors of various geometry (single strand or Litz)
  • AN Copper Foil in Oil interstage signal de-coupling Capacitors
  • AB 2W non-magnetic Carbon film Resistors in selected places

Tube Compliment

2 x EL82

1 x 5R4GYB

Tube Compliment

2 x EL82

1 x 5R4GYB

USB Version

The DAC II Balanced also comes with USB version that can be integrated in the DAC on special request.

DAC II Balanced USB

USB Version

The DAC II Balanced also comes with USB version that can be integrated in the DAC on special request.

DAC II Balanced USB


Note: Due to SW1X Audio Design’s ongoing research and development process, specifications are subject to change without notice


Dimensions: Height (mm) 150 x Width (mm) 450 x Depth (mm) 410
Weight (kg): 17
Max Power Consumption (W): 23
Output Noise, Unweighted (mVrms): < 0.5
Output Impedance (Ohms): <100



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