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SW1X Audio Design™ DAC III

Performance Level 3
Digital to Analogue Converter


Re-experience the legendary classic NOS R2R DAC powered by valves at its full glory, re-incarnated by SW1X Audio Design™.

DAC III builds upon the refinement of the SW1X DAC II and adds additional level of organic & analogue envelope to the sound.  The sonic character becomes indistinguishable from analogue playback when combined with analogue sounding digital transport. Available in either single-ended (SE) or in Balanced versions. The Balanced versions of the DAC III is equipped with signal output transformers (OTPs) providing true balanced and single ended ouputs.

For maximum synergy, musical & analogue character, all SE & Balanced versions were designed to be paired with our VDT Digital Source products.

DAC III is currently available in the following specifications:

SW1X DAC III (nos r2r dac)

The SW1X DAC III is quite simply one of the best DACs I have ever heard – Dagogo.com

SW1X Audio Design™ DAC III Features:

  • Pure NOS (Non oversampling – zero digital domain filtering) R2R Design
  • Selected and Harmonically Matched Component & Material Quality
  • Anode Follower, Zero Negative Feedback, Single Ended, Class A, RC (resistive loaded, capacitive de-coupled) Valve Amplification Topology
  • 6N6P Double Triode Valve Output Stage
  • 6X5 Indirectly Heated or Directly Heated 5Y3 (SE version) Valve rectified CLC (choke filtered) Power Supply
  • Dynamic Element Matching (DEM) of the TDA1541 is powered by an asynchronous E180F Valve Clock with EAA91 Valve rectified Power Supply
  • Active I/V conversion via a single specially selected transistor (with less than 10 Ohm input impedance) with the shortest signal path directly connected to the tube grid
  • Circuit is wired with of a specially selected copper (single strand or Litz)
  • Discrete Transistor Shunt Voltage Regulated Power Supplies for the TDA1541, SPDIF receiver and active I/V conversion
  • 3 (4 x on USB version) x EI core Mains Transformers & 2 x Chokes

Specially Selected and Harmonically Matched Component & Material Quality

  • M6 grain orient EI core Mains Transformers & Chokes
  • Black Gate de-coupling Capacitors for TDA1541 DAC
  • AN Copper Foil Signal Output de-coupling Capacitors
  • Internally wired exclusively with our SW1X Magnum, Genesis and Opus conductors of various geometry (single strand or Litz)
  • AB 2W non-magnetic Carbon film Resistors (SE version)

Tube Compliment: 1 x 5Y3, 1 x 6N6P, 1 x E180F, 1 x EAA91






dac iii

Note: Due to SW1X Audio Design’s ongoing research and development process, specifications are subject to change without notice.

SW1X DAC III (nos r2r dac)


Dimensions: Height (mm) 150 x Width (mm) 340 x Depth (mm) 400

Dimensions USB version: Height (mm) 150 x Width (mm) 440 x Depth (mm) 400

Weight (kg): 13.6

Weight (kg) USB version: 15.6

Max Power Consumption (W): 33

Output Noise, Unweighted (mVrms): < 0.5

Output Impedance (kOhms): <1

Read more about DACs made by SW1X and what makes R2R DAC designs better than Delta Sigma

DACs made by SW1X: The speciality of making great sounding designs

Digital Transport Product Overview

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Valve Rectified TDA1541 Digital to Analogue Converter


Re-experience the legendary classic NOS R2R DAC powered by valves at its full glory, re-incarnated by SW1X Audio Design.

DAC III introduces TDA1541 DAC and 6N6P Double Triode Valve Output Stage, adding additional level of organic & analogue envelope to the sound over DAC II.  The sonic character becomes indistinguishable from analogue playback when combined with analogue sounding digital transport. Available in either single-ended (SE) or in Balanced versions. The Balanced versions of the DAC III is equipped with signal output transformers (OTPs) providing true balanced and single ended ouputs.



Performance Level 3
Valve Rectified TDA1541 Digital to Analogue Converter

Re-experience the legendary classic NOS R2R DAC powered by valves at its full glory, re-incarnated by SW1X Audio Design.

DAC III introduces TDA1541 DAC and 6N6P Double Triode Valve Output Stage, adding additional level of organic & analogue envelope to the sound over DAC II.  The sonic character becomes indistinguishable from analogue playback when combined with analogue sounding digital transport. Available in either single-ended (SE) or in Balanced versions. The Balanced versions of the DAC III is equipped with signal output transformers (OTPs) providing true balanced and single ended ouputs.

For maximum synergy, musical & analogue character, all SE & Balanced versions were designed to be paired with our VDT Digital Source products.

“The SW1X DAC III is quite simply one of the best DACs I have ever heard”

SW1X DAC III (nos r2r dac)
SW1X DAC III (nos r2r dac)

SW1X Audio Design™ DAC III Features:

  • Pure NOS (Non oversampling – zero digital domain filtering) R2R Design
  • Selected and Harmonically Matched Component & Material Quality
  • Anode Follower, Zero Negative Feedback, Single Ended, Class A, RC (resistive loaded, capacitive de-coupled) Valve Amplification Topology
  • 6N6P Double Triode Valve Output Stage
  • 6X5 Indirectly Heated or Directly Heated 5Y3 (SE version) Valve rectified CLC (choke filtered) Power Supply
  • Dynamic Element Matching (DEM) of the TDA1541 is powered by an asynchronous E180F Valve Clock with EAA91 Valve rectified Power Supply
  • Active I/V conversion via a single specially selected transistor (with less than 10 Ohm input impedance) with the shortest signal path directly connected to the tube grid
  • Circuit is wired with of a specially selected copper (single strand or Litz)
  • Discrete Transistor Shunt Voltage Regulated Power Supplies for the TDA1541, SPDIF receiver and active I/V conversion
  • 3 (4 x on USB version) x EI core Mains Transformers & 2 x Chokes

Specially Selected and Harmonically Matched Component & Material Quality

  • M6 grain orient EI core Mains Transformers & Chokes
  • Black Gate de-coupling Capacitors for TDA1541 DAC
  • AN Copper Foil Signal Output de-coupling Capacitors
  • Internally wired exclusively with our SW1X Magnum, Genesis and Opus conductors of various geometry (single strand or Litz)
  • AB 2W non-magnetic Carbon film Resistors (SE version)

Specially Selected and Harmonically Matched Component & Material Quality

  • M6 grain orient EI core Mains Transformers & Chokes
  • Black Gate de-coupling Capacitors for TDA1541 DAC
  • AN Copper Foil Signal Output de-coupling Capacitors
  • Internally wired exclusively with our SW1X Magnum, Genesis and Opus conductors of various geometry (single strand or Litz)
  • AB 2W non-magnetic Carbon film Resistors (SE version)

dac iii spx silver
Tube Compliment

1 x 5Y3
1 x 6N6P
1 x E180F
1 x EAA91

Tube Compliment

1 x 5Y3
1 x 6N6P
1 x E180F
1 x EAA91

dac iii spx silver


Note: Due to SW1X Audio Design’s ongoing research and development process, specifications are subject to change without notice

dac iii


Dimensions: Height (mm) 150 x Width (mm) 340 x Depth (mm) 400
Dimensions USB version: Height (mm) 150 x Width (mm) 440 x Depth (mm) 400

Weight (kg): 13.6
Weight (kg) USB version: 15.6

Max Power Consumption (W): 33
Output Noise, Unweighted (mVrms): < 0.5
Output Impedance (kOhms): <1

Read more about DACs made by SW1X and what makes R2R DAC designs better than Delta Sigma


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. Join the official SW1X Audio Club

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